Stereoscopic Media Player Classic

As a media player, 3D Video Player has a stylish but simple interface, with no options or settings we could find. It has basic controls, starting with a large.

Jan 09, 2015  VIDEO MAIS ANTIGO: FXDOy DOWNLOADS ABAIXO / DOWNLOAD LINKS BELOW transforme seu mpchc media player classic em um player.

Stereoscopic Player Version History Version 2.4.2 September 17, 2015 Added: Updated Simplified Chinese translation. Thanks very much to Anan. Fixed crash on.

stereoscopic media player classic

Using GOM Player for 3D Video Playback with Subtitles on 3D HDTVs February 11th, 2012 1 Comment Other S3D Tech.

Step by step install and configuration for MPC as Stereoscopic 3D media player using Avisynth, K-Lite Codec Pack and Pantarheon 3D followed by screenshot.

Step-by-step Install and Configure Stereoscopic 3D media player with MPC

Last updated on May 10, 2013 M Riza 15 Comments

This post is an update version from my older post MPC for stereoscopic 3D media player . On current post we ll use the latest version of K-Lite Codec Pack, avisynth and i also included screenshots on every steps.

The following setting was tested on my new laptop, ASUS A55V, 64 bit Windows 7 home premium, and only for Red Cyan Anaglyph glasses. For the other colors of anaglyph glasses please read my previous post. Ok, here s the detail steps.

1. Download and Install Avisynth V 2.5.8.

Dowload avisynth from free-codecs website, and choose Avisynth 2.5.8.

Unzip and Install with Full Type of Install option.

2. Download ans Install Pantarheon 3D AviSynth Toolbox.

Download Pantarheon 3D MSI installer here.

Double click the installer to install Pantarheon 3D AviSynth Toolbox.

3. Download and install K-Lite Codec Pack 9.2.0 Full  Latest version at 08/25/2012.

Note that MPC Media Player Classic and ffdshow are bundled in full version of K-Lite Codec Pack.

Download  K-Lite Codec Pack 9.2.0 from free-codec website, and select Full version.

Choose Advance mode while installing K-Lite Codec Pack.

Set any component to fddshow select ffdshow if available, this will install fddshow during K-Lite Codec installation.

Set file Association to Media Player Classic, this will install MPC Media Player Classic during K-Lite Codec Installation.

4. K-Lite Codec, Ffdshow and MFC Configuration

ffdshow video decoder configuration

Navigate to Start Menu All Programs K-Lite Codec Pack Configuration ffdshow Video Decoder

Click Codec Menu and scroll down the right menu table to look for Raw Video, set the decoder option to All Supported.

Apply and Close.

Navigate to Start Menu All Programs K-Lite Codec Pack Configuration ffdshow RAW Video Processor

Scroll down left menu to find Avisynth Menu, and check on the check-box.

Paste the following script to the right text box.

c ConvertToRGB32 w c.width /2 h c.height /2 LeftRight3DToRCAnaglyph c. Lanczos4Resize w, h

Download script here in case if you have copy and paste problem.

Save And Close.

Navigate to Start Menu All Programs K-Lite Codec Pack Media Player Classic

Press O or navigate to View Options, to open the option windows

On Internal Filter, unchecked everything from Source Filters.

Click External Filter, and then click Add Filters.

Select Ffdshow Video Decoder from filter list

Change option from Set Merit to Prefer.

Do the same for ffdshow audio decoder and ffdshow raw video filter.

By now Any video played by MPC with current setting will be treated as 3D SBS and will be converted into 3D anaglyph. So when you wanna play non SBS video you have to disable avisynth by un-checking Avisynth option on ffdshow RAW video processor see ffdshow RAW video processor configuration.

MPC with ffdshow RAW video processor – Avisynth checked / enabled

MPC with ffdshow RAW video processor – Avisynth unchecked / disabled

Download video for test here Youtube 3D option SBS format.

That s all, hope no more problem playing 3D movies with media player classic home cinema using the above configuration.

Article by M Riza

Is a blogger since 2007, founder and editor of Oa Ultimate. Working as a network administrator, computer technician, database and web maintainer Twitter G.

Due to iZ3D Discontinuing Operations on July 31st, 2012, licenses for this driver are no longer available. Users may continue using the free Anaglyph output, but all.

Media Player Classic Home Cinema is a light weight media player, allows you to enhance, decode and accelerate a broad span of movie formats.



As stereoscopic 3-D capable monitors and 3-D televisions become available and 3-D video becomes more popular, I believe MPC-HC should begin supporting 3-D video.

There are a few things that need to be done, having a basic working 3-D feature should not be particularly hard but there are a lot of things to do. Here is a small request list from my user point of view.

3-D video file formats :

Frame compatible formats required : 99 of the available content uses these formats the video uses a normal video stream using traditional codecs MPEG2, MPEG4 ASP, MPEG4 AVC, etc

The left and right eye views are stored together inside the same frame, the views are arranged in a predetermined way, the most popular are :

- Side by side left eye then right eye, or reversed

- Over/Under left eye then right eye, or reversed

- Interlaced left eye in odd lines right eye in even lines, or reversed

The left and right eye views can be stored in full resolution ex : 3840x1080 for a full HD video stored side by side, or they can be stored anamorphic squashed into a standard size frame.

BluRay3D format harder, optional : BluRay3D is much more complex, uses mostly the new codec MPEG4-MVC. If someone is working on an MVC decoder it would be great but not immediately required.

3-D Display output support

Once MPC-HC has identified what is the left and right eye views, it needs to show them to the correct eye.

Some 3D displays use frame compatible input formats, they can be driven directly by a normal frame with a simple post-process filter, others require special formats and require the use of special drivers and or APIs

Frame Compatible output : for 2D displays optional but highly recommended

- Monoscopic mode : displays only the left eye view or only the right eye view to watch the video normally in 2D

- Anaglyph : the good old Red/cyan glasses or other combination. Simply keeping one colour channel from one eye and the other channels from the other eye works, but more complex colour transformations exist to improve the look of the picture through coloured glasses.

- Free-view cross-eyed : no need for glasses, display the right then left eye views next to each other at the correct display ratio. The user crosses eyes to watch the picture in 3-D.

- Free-view parallel : similar to the above but display the left and right eye views in the proper order the Pan/scale function must work for parallel, a picture larger than the eye width is almost unwatchable in free-view parallel

- Overlap optional : Not 3D. simply add the left eye and the right eye views : can be used to check the content.

Frame compatible output for 3-D display, Single output

- Side by Side half resolution required : supported by 3-D TVs user needs to manually activate 3D mode of the TV. The left and right eye views are stacked horizontally with an anamorphic squash to fit a standard size frame. Left eye view on the left half of the frame, right eye view on the right half of the frame.

- Side by Side full resolution : Similar to side by side half resolution without the horizontal squash. Used to check content but can also be used with Polarised Dual-projectors if fullscreened and the desktop is set up as a single merged surface ATI Eyefinity or Nvidia spanned desktop mode

- Over/Under half resolution : Similar to side by side half resolution but the views are stacked vertically

- Over/Under full resolution : Similar to side by side full resolution but the views are stacked vertically in full resolution

- Interlaced Horizontal required : supported by the popular Zalman computer monitor and a few passive polarised 3D TVs, odd lines contain one eye view, even lines contain the other. Some displays use odd lines for left eye, others use even lines for the left eye. Both possibilities need to be implemented. Caution : pixel perfect precision when scaling is required. The use of an optimised vertical sampling when converting full resolution to interlaced is highly recommended for better picture quality. Window position tracking when moving the window is a nice bonus but not required.

- Interlaced Vertical : supported by some glasses-free 3-D displays using parallax barrier technology. Similar to horizontal interlacing but done vertically.

- Checkerboard required : supported by many rear-projection DLP TVs from Samsung and Mitsubishi, one in every two pixels is used for each eye and the order reverses every line, forming a chess board like pattern between the left and right eye views. Some displays use the top left pixel for the left eye, others use it for the right eye. Both possibilities need to be implemented. Caution : pixel perfect precision when scaling is required. The use of an optimised cross shaped quincunx sampling when converting full resolution to checkerboard is highly recommended for better picture quality. Window position tracking when moving the window is a nice bonus but not required.

Frame compatible output for 3-D display, Dual output

- Dual-Head : used by passive polarised dual projector systems. One eye view goes to one of the video card outputs, the other eye view goes to the other video card output. It is the traditional way of using dual projectors but there can be synchronisation issues between the two outputs caused by the video card driver. which is why single output side by side full resolution is sometimes better for dual-projectors

Recent graphics cards supporting more than 2 outputs add a new problem which is identifying which displays to use and which ones not to use.

- Dual-Head with Mirror : similar to dual head but one of the outputs needs to be mirrored either horizontally or vertically. Used by Planar tm and similar home-made 3D displays using two polarised LCD monitors and a 50/50 mirror.

- iZ3D Monitor : a recently discontinued computer monitor but still with quite a few users left. Uses a special display technology using dual LCD panel stacked on top of each other : back panel is colour for both eyes, the front panel controls the polarisation to balance the light between the left and right eye. iZ3D provides the computations and source code samples at their web site.

iZ3D use MPC-HC to make their own media player supporting their display, called iZ3D Movie Player classic. They provide the source code at their website but they did not commit their features back to MPC-HC

Special 3D displays

- Nvidia Geforce 3D Vision optional but highly recommended : requires the use of a special API provided by Nvidia.

- HDMI1.4 formats : hdmi 1.4 specifies many different 3D formats for transmission, there are mainly 2 different formats that are really interesting : Frame packing a full resolution format, supports only stereo 720p 50/60Hz or stereo 1080p 24Hz, and Side by side 720p or 1080p similar to the frame compatible Side by side half resolution format but includes special signalling to make the TV aware it s being fed 3-D pictures, the 3-D mode can be enabled automatically by the TV. At the time I write this, there is no available way to use this format, driver updates from GPU manufacturers are required. ATI, Nvidia and Intel announced upcoming products or driver updates to support it but none are publicly available yet.

- Display Port 3D : supports higher resolutions, more formats and more flexible than Hdmi 1.4 but also need driver updates which are not available at the time I write this. ATI only has announced products and drivers were on the way but none publicly available yet.

Activating the 3-D mode :

- manual required : the user activates 3D mode, either through a UI button or a menu

- automatic by previous usage recommended, MPC-HC remembers the user setting from previous use of this file

- automatic by file name convention DDD Tridef media player uses it

- automatic by file tags or meta data matroska v2.0 has tags for stereoscopic video, Peter wimmer, developer of Stereoscopic player uses meta data for wmv files

Identifying the 3D file format

Similar to activating the 3-D mode, except the user needs to be able to override the setting if it is wrongly detected.

Identifying the 3D display output

- Manual required : choose the output type in a list. Can be done in the right click menus but it could most probably be done in the options, you don t need to change your 3D display every 5 minutes

- Automatic : identifying the display make and model and finding it in a database

- Automatic in the future : Hdmi 1.4 and Display Port 3-D enabled GPU drivers should provide lists of available standardised formats supported by the display you are using.

I use two different 3-D displays using different 3-D outputs, It would be nice if MPC-HC were available to remember each display and switch automatically whenever I use one or the other, but this is a completely optional feature request no currently available 3-D player does this.

Additional optional 3-D related features

- Gamma boost : 3-D glasses tend to make the picture darker, depending on the 3-D technology used, a gamma boost improves significantly the picture quality, especially in the dark parts of the picture which are often eaten away by the glasses.

- parallax correction : a horizontal shift in opposite direction between the left and right eye views, the amount of shift must be tunable by the user : this changes position of the screen depth, essentially pushing or pulling the entire scene in or out of the screen. It helps establish a balance between depth and out-of screen effects if the file is not properly calibrated for the user s display like raw shots from parallel cameras.

- Subtitles : subtitles need to be implemented in both eye views, it s not a big issue with interlaced or checkerboard displays, but it can cause bugs when using side by side or dual output based displays

- Subtitles parallax correction optional : allows the user to position the subtitles a little in the out-of-screen space to make sure the text won t collide with the 3-D picture.

- Preset subtitle parallax correction really optional : find a subtitle format that can includes a special parallax offset value to be able to set the subtitle parallax correction for individual subtitle lines.

- Stereo UI optional : On side by side or dual-output displays, the UI needs to be doubled to show up correctly in each eye view full screen only, it makes no sense with windowed mode.

On interlaced and checkerboard display, the UI needs to be applied an optimized sampling the same optimised sampling filter as the picture and the text needs to be big enough remain readable one pixel wide fonts are very hard to read

Available code from iZ3D

iZ3D modified an old version of MPC-HC to make their own 3D-enabled media player, it is working, supports some formats and a few 3D outputs but their last version is 2 years old, is stripped of all the codecs and has many broken features.

They published executables and the source code at their web site but did not commit back to MPC-HC.

I do not know if someone want to bring a copy of their branch here at Sourceforge and/or merge parts of it with the MPC-HC tree.

Oldest first.

3d-фильмы - не новинка, они уже давно идут почти в каждом кинотеатре. Но теперь совсем не.